25 October 2011
His Excellency Peter Mafany Musonge, Grand Chancellor of National Orders at the Presidency of the Republic, announces with deep regret the death of his wife, Mrs. Anne Mojoko Musonge, which occurred on Thursday, 20th of October 2011, in the United States of America after a protracted illness. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
H.E. Peter Mafany Musonge
Grand Chancellor of National Orders
Grand Chancellor loses wife in USA
By Chief Foanyi Nkemayang Paul, The Star News, (Vol. 2, No. 0162, Monday, October 24, 2011,) Cameroon
The death has been announced of Mrs. Anne Mojoko Musonge, wife of the former Prime Minister, Head of Government and current Grand Chancellor of National Orders at the Presidency of the Republic, Peter Mafany Musonge.
The unpalatable news hit the airwaves like a thunderstorm on Thursday, October 20, sending many sprawling on the ground, wailing and gnashing their teeth in despondency. They cursed the cruel hands of death for snatching their beloved one, whom many described as a God-fearing, peace-loving and iconic woman of class.
Mrs. Musonge’s admirers say she was a principled woman who stood and died for what she believed was the best for her country.
In a public announcement of her death, her loving husband said she died after a protracted illness in the United States of America.
The late Mrs. Musonge was the Founding President of the Fako Women’s Development Association (FAWODA) which assists indigenous women in education, healthcare and rural development. She was also the Regional Delegate of Education for the South West Region until her husband’s appointment as Prime Minister.
While in Yaounde, she represented the First Lady Chantal Biya on several occasions to carry out CERAC humanitarian activities for over eight years of their stay in Yaounde. In fact, she lived and worked for her fatherland Cameroon and even assisted aliens in need.
At the residence of the former Prime Minister in Yaounde, family members, friends and well wishers were streaming in from everywhere to sympathize with him.
May the Lord our Creator take her to His bosom where she will live to die no more. The burial program is still to be announced.
Adieu, Ma Anne Musonge, adieu.
Mrs. Anne Mojoko Musonge: The demise of an icon
24 November 2011
Mrs. Anne Mojoko Musonge nee Mbongo was born on 22 February, 1944 in Victoria (now Limbe). She did her primary education in the Basel Mission Primary School in Victoria.
In their days, it was rare for girls to pursue secondary general education because girls went early for marriage, coupled with the fact that there was only one girls’ college in the then Southern Cameroons (the Queen of Rosary College, Okoyong opened in 1957). The young Anne, full of ambition and avid for knowledge, moved to Nigeria where she gained admission into the Girls’ Secondary School, Ibiaku (1958 to 1962). After her studies, she went to the Queen’s School, Enugu, from where she obtained the Higher School Certificate (equivalent of the GCE Advance Level) in 1965.
Her incessant search for quality education took her to the prestigious Ibadan University, which admitted only the best from African colleges, being the first tertiary institution in Nigeria (opened in 1952 with pioneers like Chinua Achebe, Bernard Fonlon, and Peter Moki Efange). At university, she read English Language, and minored in French, to prepare herself to make a significant impact in promoting languages, civilization and development in bilingual federal Cameroon.
Upon graduation in 1968, she came back to contribute to nation-building. She picked a job in the public service as tutor, with a consuming desire to mould young minds. From 1968 – 1971, she taught English Literature in CCAST Bambili, a high school with a reputation in English-speaking Cameroon which to produced the cream of the intelligentsia West of the Mungo.
In 1969, the elegant and irresistible Anne, met her future husband, the dashing Peter Mafany Musonge, a Stanford graduate serving as a civil engineer in Bamenda. They got married in 1970, and their union gave them four children.
The couple was transferred to Yaounde, where she taught English language in Lycee Leclerc from 1971-1980Throughout her teaching career, she imparted values and shaped the minds of up-and-coming young Cameroonians who have become successful professionals and rendering priceless services to their fatherland.
She also pursued post-graduate studies in Library Science in Aberystwyth, Wales, in 1984.
Her enviable performance earned her promotion from the classroom to educational administration. She was appointed National Pedagogic Inspector for English (1980-1988), and then, Assistant Provincial Delegate of National Education for the South West (1988-1995), before she went on deserved retirement in1995.
In her social life, she was the prime mover of many community activities. Among others, she spearheaded the CDC Women’s Social Club grouping thousands of women, while her husband was General Manager of the Cameroon Development Corporation (1988-1996). The Club built and donated a special ward to improve patients’ care at the CDC Cottage Hospital, Tiko.
In her passion for politics, she was elected Vice President of the first ever bureau of the Fako I CPDM section (Limbe) in 1996. She was the first woman to occupy such a post considered the exclusive preserve of men in the main wing of the party. Until 2000, she and her president, Mr. Njalla Quan, worked tirelessly and gave the CPDM a firm grip in Limbe considered an opposition fief.
She was a female leader “hors pair” who reached her apogee as General Co-ordinator of her association, the Circle of Friends of Cameroon (CERAC). As spouse of the then Prime Minister, Mrs. Musonge, ran CERAC from 1988-2004, with panache and style. CERAC is a curious mix, comprising top flight women in Cameroon Mrs. Musonge applied her savviness in running CERAC. Its fame today is, in part, the handiwork of the solid foundation she and her members laid to give the association a humane character whose impact resonates even at the international level.
She did not neglect her home community even as she attended to CERAC and gave exceptional support towards the success of her spouse, the then prime minister and now Grand Chancellor of National Orders. She founded the Fako Women’s Development Association (FAWODA), to brighten the lives of rural women. She also initiated the setting up of a rural radio station in Buea (Radio Bonakanda) with the assistance of UNESCO, to spread knowledge of development issues in Fako.
Anne Musonge was intensely religious and prayerful, which enabled her reach out and connect with all classes of people in society, knowing that life is without meaning unless it serves the cause of humanity in a world where everyone is a passer-by regardless of status.
She exuded class and style in all she did, had a strong character, and was a strict teacher, yet a loving mother and caring friend. She was gregarious and gracious a woman whose lifestyle stood out as a model. The nation loses a gem with her passing on into the Great Beyond.
La dépouille de Anne Musonge regagne le pays
20 Novembre 2011
La toute première coordinatrice générale du Cercle des amis du Cameroun a entamé hier samedi son dernier voyage vers l’éternité.
C’est avec beaucoup de tristesse que famille et amis de Anne Mojoko Musonge se sont retrouvés à l’aéroport international de Yaoundé-Nsimalen samedi dernier. En grand nombre, ces personnes sont allées accueillir la dépouille de l’épouse de Peter Mafany Musonge, ancien premier ministre du Cameroun et Grand chancelier des Ordres nationaux, en provenance des Etats-Unis d’Amérique. Elle y est en effet décédée le 20 octobre dernier
Parmi les délégations venues rendre hommage à Mme Musonge et apporter du réconfort à sa famille, plusieurs membres du gouvernement et une bonne brochette des membres du Cercle des amis du Cameroun (CERAC).
C’est que, Anne Musonge, membre d’honneur de l’association à son décès, a été la première coordinatrice générale du CERAC.
Le réconfort a aussi été procuré par le collège de pasteurs de la Presbyterian Church in Cameroon, venus de la paroisse de Bastos.
Au cours d’un bref service, ces derniers se sont appuyés sur les Saintes écritures pour exhorter les personnes présentes à ne pas se laisser troubler par la douleur de cette séparation. La dépouillée a ensuite été conduite à la morgue de l’Hôpital général de Yaoundé.
Le programme des obsèques prévoit ensuite la levée de corps jeudi prochain, suivie d’une veillée à Yaoundé. Anne Musonge sera par la suite transportée à Buea vendredi pour y être inhumée samedi, 26 novembre 2011. Mais en attendant, des prières sont programmées tous les soirs au domicile familial de Yaoundé jusqu’à mercredi.
Cameroon Tribune
Écrit par Cameroon Tribune |
Vendredi, 25 Novembre 2011 08:03 |
The mortal remains of the pioneer Coordinator of the Circle of Friends of Cameroon, CERAC, were removed from the mortuary yesterday in Yaounde.
“I have fought the fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith,” II Timothy 4:7, was the manner in which late Mrs Anne Mojoko Musonge née Mbongo, wife of erstwhile Prime Minister, Peter Mafany Musonge, was described by pastors of the Presbyterian Church, as her journey to the world beyond began in Yaounde yesterday November 24. Mourners from government, led by the Vice Prime Minister, Minister
of Justice and Keeper of the Seals, Amadou Ali, Circle of Friends of Cameroon under the banner of its General Coordinator, Linda Yang and the family, led by the Grand Chancellor of National Orders, Peter Mafany Musonge joined worshippers and sympathisers to pay their last respects to Anne Mojoko Musonge as her mortal remains were removed from the Yaounde Reference Hospital Mortuary.
For close to an hour, emotions were high as mourners looked into the coffin to have a glimpse of the woman who is considered as a major figure in the international activities of CERAC and the brightening of lives of the rural women through her creation of the Fako Women’s Association, FAWODA. A solemn devotion in honour of Anne Musonge was presented by Rev. Prof Pastor Anyambot of the Bastos Presbyterian Church, Yaounde on the need for the living to reflect and rethink their lives and relations with others.
By press time, the corpse of the 67 year-old, was being taken to the Presbyterian Church in Bastos where a church service was supposed to take place to honour the life she lived. A wake service and cultural animation was scheduled to take place at the deceased’s residence at Etétak, near Cité Verte, Yaounde after the church service yesterday November 24. The corpse arrives her family residence at Bokova Buea in the South West Region today, Friday November 25, pending her burial on Saturday November 26.
Anne M. Musonge sera inhumée samedi à Bokova
Nécrologie. L’épouse de l’ancien PM, Peter Mafany Musonge, est décédée le 20 octobre aux Etats-Unis.
Anne Mojoko Musonge, l’épouse de l’ancien Premier ministre Peter Mafany Musonge, a entrepris son dernier voyage en terre camerounaise. Décédée le 20 octobre dernier dans l’Etat du Maryland aux Etats-Unis d’Amérique, sa dépouille mortuaire est arrivée samedi à l’aéroport international de Yaoundé-Nsimalen.
Pour une escale de quelques jours, qui sera notamment marquée par la levée de corps jeudi prochain à 11h à l’hôpital général de Yaoundé. L’inhumation aura lieu samedi à Bokova, près de Buea.
A 67 ans, c’est une femme pluridimensionnelle qui quitte la scène. Née le 22 février 1944 à Victoria, aujourd’hui Limbé, c’est dans cette même ville qu’elle a fait ses études primaires, avant de s’en aller au Nigeria voisin pour ses études secondaires au collège des filles d’Ibiaku, qu’elle fréquenta de 1958 à 1962. C’est à Enugu, où elle ira ensuite, qu’elle obtient l’équivalent du baccalauréat, en 1965.
C’est également au Nigeria qu’elle va s’inscrire à l’université, à celle d’Ibadan, notamment. De retour au Cameroun en 1968, elle est recrutée à la Fonction publique et enseigne la littérature anglaise à l’Ecole normale supérieure annexe de Bambili de 1968 à 1971.
Entre-temps, en 1969, Anne Mojoko Mbongo (c’est son nom de jeune fille) rencontre Peter Mafany Musonge, un ingénieur diplômé de Stanford, qui est en service à Bamenda. Ils vont se marier en 1970 et de leur union naîtront quatre enfants. Le couple est affecté à Yaoundé en 1971 et Mme Musonge enseigne l’anglais au lycée Leclerc jusqu’en 1980.
Cette année-là, elle est nommée inspecteur pédagogique national d’anglais. Une fonction qu’elle occupera pendant huit ans, avant d’être nommée déléguée provincial adjoint de l’Education nationale dans le Sud-Ouest. La retraite de la Fonction publique arrivera en 1995, mais Mme Musonge restera très présente sur le plan social et associatif et politique. En 1996, elle est élue vice-présidente du tout premier bureau Rdpc du Fako I. elle se fera également remarquer comme coordinatrice du Cercle des amis du Cameroun (Cerac), de 1988 à 2004.
Dans le Sud-Ouest, elle va créer l’association de développement des femmes du Fako (Fawoda) et elle initiera également la mise sur pied, avec l’appui de l’Unesco, de la radio rurale Bonakanda à Buea.
Jules Romuald Nkonlak
THE RECORDER NEWSLINE: Anne Mojoko Musonge, Wife of former PM, decorated posthumously with Medal of Valor
By Christopher Ambe Shu
Late Mrs. Anne Mojoko Musonge
Late Anne Mojoko Musonge nee Mbongo, wife of Cameroon’s former Prime Minister Peter Mafany Musonge ,who is currently Grand Chancellor of National Orders , was Saturday November 27, decorated with the Medal of National Order of Valor by the State of Cameroon before she was lowered in to her final resting place in Bokova village , Buea Subdivision.
Governor Koumpa Issa pinning valor medal on the casket |
Southwest Governor Koumpa Issa, pinned the medal on the casket on behalf of the state after a message of condolence from President Paul Biya and wife was read to the Musonge family by Fako senior Divisional officer, Bona Ebengue Francois.
The posthumous decoration took place after funeral service in Bokova village which was officiated by a college of Presbyterian Ministers of God, led by PCC Moderator, The Right Reverend Dr.Festus Asana, and attended by thousands of mourners including Cabinet Ministers
P.M Musonge(1st from left) and children at funeral |
Anne Mojoko Musonge died at the age of 67 last October 20 in the USA after a protracted illness.
Eulogies from family members, friends, church and social groups such as FAWODA, CERAC and Christian Women Fellowship(CWF) painted late Anne Mojoko Musonge as a God-fearing and devout Presbyterian Christian ;the eulogies said she was an excellent mother , a peace-maker, role model , true leader and above philanthropic.
Speaking, P.M Musonge, husband to the deceased, described the death of his wife as a great loss, noting that his family was very touched by the massive turnout at the funeral.
Mr. Musonge extended gratitude to President Paul Biya for what he described as his personal concern for late Ann Mojoko’s health and for the financial support given them while she was critically ill in the USA. He also thanked all those who in one way or the other gave them their support during the trying moment and for funeral arrangements.
In a sermon titled “Thy Will Be Done”, The Very Reverend Dr.Nyansako -Ni-Nku (PCC Moderator Emeritus), drawing inspiration from Luke 22:42, said the righteous are not spared the tribulations of life, but added that, the Lord empowers them to bear whatever comes their way.
Cross-section of dignitaries at the funeral Service in Bokova |
He urged Christian-mourners to always be ready for to submit their will to that of God. The Moderator Emeritus, who had kind for the deceased, noted: “Mrs. Anne Mojoko Musonge will be remembered as a fully accomplished woman”
He expressed confidence that the legacy of faith left behind by the deceased would strengthen the Musonge family, and urged all mourners to live daily in line with Bible principles.
Late Anne Mojoko got married to Peter Mafany Musonge in 1970.
A career teacher, who later obtained a Diploma in Library Science from Aberystwyth University in Wales, Late Anne Mojoko held several positions of responsibility in Cameroon’s Civil Service, notably: National Inspector of English and Assistant Provincial Delegate for National Education for (then )Southwest Province.
She was the founding President of Fako Women’s Development Association(FAWODA) and pioneer General Coordinator of the Circle of Friends of Cameroon(CERAC) founded by Chantal Biya,wife of Cameroon President Paul Biya.
She was an active member of the ruling CPDM.
Late Anne Mojoko Musonge has left behind her husband, four children, her siblings, relatives, in-laws, Christians, friends to mourn and remember her.
Hundreds Bid Farewell to Anne Mojoko Musonge
27 Novembre 2011 National - Société
Condolence messages from the Presidential couple, CERAC and military honours were the major highlights of the funeral service.
Grief and tears are the words that best describe the atmosphere that reigned in Bokova on the outskirts of Buea on Saturday November 26 during the funeral service of late Mrs. Anne Mojoko Musonge, wife of former Prime Mnisiter Peter Mafany Musonge, who passed away on October 20, 2011. High profile officials, traditional and religious leaders joined hundreds of mourners who came to pay their last respects to a lady whom many describe as “affectionate, considerate and God-fearing.”
Eulogies by the daughter, Etonde Musonge Tarkang, Isaac Jackai Musonge, the representative of FAWODA and CWF, amongst others, highlighted the qualities of a virtuous woman, a role model who lived a meaningful life and leaves a wonderful legacy for others to emulate. Mourners learnt that she was a benevolent lady, a philanthropist and a devoted member of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon (PCC).
Exemplary lady
On behalf of CERAC’s Founding President Mrs. Chantal Biya, the representative of the First Lady, Mrs. Linda Yang revealed that Mrs. Musonge will be remembered as the pioneer General Coordinator of the Circle of Friends of Cameroon (CERAC). And thanks to her, she said, “CERAC was able to live up to its motto: We are together. We are one.” In a voice laden with grief, Mrs. Linda Yang said Mrs. Anne Mojoko Musonge had exemplary qualities, devoted all her energy to attain the objectives of CERAC, rallied behind the First Lady to aid rural women in all the 10 Regions of Cameroon, helped the needy, waged a sustained war against HIV/AIDS, etc. “Rest assured that we will never forget you,” Mrs. Linda Yang stressed.
A message from the CPDM Central Committee paid tribute to “a great comrade who devoted her political life and made outstanding personal contributions to the CPDM Party.” The Very Reverend Dr. Nyansako-ni-Nku, in a moving homily, called for sustained prayers and the glorification of God’s name. Drawing inspiration from Luke 22 verse 42, he called on Christians to remain devoted and be holy because “time rushes on.”
One of the major highlights of the funeral service was the reading of President Biya and wife’s condolence message to the bereaved family by the Senior Divisional Officer (SDO) for Fako Mr. Bona Ebengue François. Military honours ensued and on behalf of President Paul Biya, South West Governor Koumpa Issa posthumously decorated Mrs. Anne Mojoko Musonge to the Officer of the National Order of Valour.
Mrs. Anne Mojoko Musonge was born 22 February 1944. She leaves behind four children, the husband, family members and friends to mourn her.
30 November 2011
Mrs. Anne Mojoko Musonge: Thousands pay homage to woman of history -President Paul Biya & First Lady send Condolence Message, man of God says it all
By Scholar Maloke
Thousands of people who turned out en masse at the Grand Chancellor of National Orders’ Bokova residence for the funeral service of his late wife Mrs. Anne Mojoko Musonge nee Mbongo, will always remember her as someone who was not only God fearing, humble but was a philanthropist.
Some of us who never met her during her lifetime on earth, from the various eulogies and tributes paid to her by children, family members, friends, colleagues, well-wishers and many others who benefited from her largesse showed that she was a woman of writ with a distinguished character worth emulating.
According to family sources, when Mrs. Anne Mojoko Musonge was born on February 14, 1944, it made no headline news anywhere, but her demise at 67 took the nation and beyond by storm as thousands of Cameroonians are still reeling from the shock.
Many would wonder why the contrast a spokesperson for the Mbongo family said and continued that it is simply because of the astounding achievements that “This remarkable woman of unparalleled substance was able to cram into the 67 years her Creator allotted to her.”
Dr. Mrs. Tarkang speaks of mother’s Godly ways
Another person who poured encomium and praises on the deceased, was the daughter Dr. Mrs. Etonde Musonge Tarkang on behalf of the children. She described their mother as “an awesome mother” who provided them with a stable, peaceful, loving and happy home. She revealed that their mother has left them a legacy that they will never let go as she taught them Christian values and the way their mother behaved with the father, showed them what the model of a Christian centered marriage should be.
She praised their mother not only for instilling good values in them, but also for being a prayerful wife and a prayerful mother whose prayers were heard by God as He sustained their father by giving him the wisdom, knowledge, grace and strength to excel in all the positions of responsibility that the Lord has given him.
According to the daughter, their mother lived out the Bible book of Deuteronomy 6:6-7, because she diligently taught them the word of God and passed on her faith to each of them.
If one were to proclaim one a saint from the praises and kind words that are said during one’s funeral, then one can easily proclaim late Mrs. Anne Musonge a Saint as the more than two hour eulogies that were presented by people of different standing from the family, church, political and social arena all pointed to how good a person she was worthy of emulation.
CERAC hails Mrs. Musonge’s qualities
Regarding some qualities she incarnated, Mrs. Yang Linda, wife of Prime Minster, Head of Government Yang Philemon and personal representative of First Lady Chantal Biya’s Circle of Friends of Cameroon (CERAC), said she was an organizer, someone you could count on at all times. She said for the time they worked together, she came to realize that Mrs. Musonge had several qualities that one could emulate.
Being the personal representative of CERAC’s founder, Mrs. Yang praised the deceased who was the pioneer Coordinator of CERAC for a job well done. She intimated that if not of the qualities Mrs. Musonge had, CERAC would not have been built on a strong foundation as she worked tirelessly to put in place the Constitution and its solid structures.
FAWODA, CPDM,CWF praise Mrs. Musonge
Women from Fako Women Development Association (FAWODA) also praised her for founding the association which seeks to assist women and children especially young female school drop-outs.
Late Mrs. Musonge was not only known for her humanitarian and God-fearing character, but also for her active participation in the political life of the country, reason why the ruling CPDM party in which she militated, sent a delegation of the Central Committee to bid her farewell led by Mrs. Regina Mundi. In her tribute, Mrs. Mundi said, late Mrs. Musonge began militating with the CPDM right from the days when the party was still known as CNU in Bamenda.
As CPDM militant, Mrs. Musonge served as Vice President for Fako I CPDM Section from 1991, being the first lady to hold such position in the main wing of the party till her husband was appointed Prime Minister and they had to move to Yaounde.
While the CPDM delegation was crying that they have lost a hardworking militant, the Christian Women Fellowship (CWF) of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon, mourned for having lost a member who always contributed generously during the CWF harvest thanksgiving be it in Yaounde, Middle-Farms Limbe or in Bokova village.
Mrs. Eyere Takor who spoke for the women said their harvest will suffer in the coming years with the demise of their member, friend and mentor, Mrs. Anne Musonge.
In addition to many other tributes that were presented in the presence of multitudes that came from far and near to share in the pain of the Musonges, the husband’s tribute, was one to be remembered by all.
P.M. Musonge’s moving tribute
Husband of the deceased, Grand Chancellor of the National Orders, and former Prime Minister, Head of Government, H.E. Peter Mafany Musonge, made a brief and touching tribute which ended with an appeal to all present.
He said some of the treasured moments he will forever cherish with his wife include their daily morning devotions, her supportive nature even in the face of heavy and difficult responsibilities he had in his career and how homely she made their home in such a way that he always looked forward to returning home to her after grueling hours at work among others.
H.E. Peter Mafany Musonge said, he is thankful to God that he always made sure he told her how wonderful a person she was not only to him but to their children “for you played all your roles so well-girl friend, wife, mother and adviser.”
The appeal he made to those present was that if they really loved his wife, then they should yield to her desires which include: giving their lives to Christ by serving Him wholeheartedly, to love and take care of your workers, co-workers, work hand-in-hand to keep your family strong in love by bringing up your children with the fear of the Lord and above all, not to hesitate to give a helping hand to those in need.
Members of Government, S.W. Governors and other dignitaries at Bokova last Saturday
He further thanked all who came and who had supported him and the family in one way or the other.
The Very Rev. Moderator emeritus urges all to accept God’s will
During the sermon that followed the tributes, the Very Reverend Dr. Nyansako-ni-Nku Moderator emeritus of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon, drawing inspiration from the Gospel of Luke 22:42 urged all to accept God’s will and to always admonish God to let His will be done. He also took time to say some nice things about Late Mrs. Musonge in a way that moved mourners to laughter.
President Biya and wife address condolence Message
Other highlights of the funeral service at Bokova was the reading of a message of condolence from the President of the Republic H.E. Paul Biya and Wife by the Senior Divisional Officer for Fako, François Bona Ebengue, the decorating of the casket with a posthumous decoration with the National Medal of the Order of Valor for selfless service rendered to the nation by the Governor of the South West Region, H.E. Koumpa Issa and Military march past.
Conspicuous among mourners present were the National Chairman of the frontline opposition party SDF, Ni John Fru Ndi and his second National Vice Joshua Osih, former Prime Ministers Achidi Achu and Ephraim Inoni, Government Ministers, a large number of CERAC members, traditional rulers from South West and Littoral Regions, several choral groups from Yaounde, Buea, Limbe among many other personalities. The college of Pastors who were at the funeral service was led by Rt. Rev. Dr. Festus A. Assana, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon.